High School Musical will be showing on Friday and Saturday! $5 general admission at the door for both performances! Come see a great show! See attachment in the live feed for more details.

Congratulations to the members of the Hills-Beaver Creek Senior High Band. On Tuesday, March 19th they received a ‘Superior’ rating at the Sub-Section Large Group Contest in Pipestone!

Thanks to all those that came out for Art Night and the Book Fair. Great night!

"April 14 - FFA Chili/Soup Cook-Off" Community is encouraged to participate. See flyer in the "Live Feed" for details!

March 18---H-BC Buses on paved roads only, until further notice.

Kindergarten roundup for fall 2019 will be Monday, March 18 at 6:30. We will meet in the pre-school classroom. Students are encouraged to attend.

Hills-Beaver Creek and Hills Christian Schools Closed today, Thursday, March 14.

Beginning with AM bus routes Thursday, March 14, Hills-Beaver Creek School buses will be going on paved roads only, until further notice. Parents of students that ride the school bus and live on gravel roads will be contacted via phone or email this evening Wednesday, March 13, to indicate location and time of pickup for mornings and after school drop off. Call the bus line for rider changes in the mornings 507-220-2035. For after school bus changes, call either school office. Thank you for your flexibility and understanding.

First annual Art Night and Book Fair will be next Monday, March 18. Thanks to those families that have already responded. The event will start at 5:30. Hope to see you all there!

Hills-Beaver Creek and Hills Christian Schools are running two hours late start this morning Wednesday, March 13.

H-BC Winter athletics banquet!

Reminder that swimming lessons start TOMORROW. Students in grades 3-6 should bring all of the gear they need for lessons to school tomorrow.

Hello everyone! Please take note of the new musical rehearsal schedule for High School Musical Jr. Keep you eyes on the school app for possible weather issues this Saturday.

Happy School Social Worker week to H-BC’s School Social Worker, Mrs. Ceynowa-Breuer!

Allison LaRock is going to Washington DC! Allison was selected by the Sioux Valley Energy Empower Program to represent SW MN in Washington DC June 15-20. Here is more information about Empower. https://www.siouxvalleyenergy.com/my-community/empower-youth-leadership-program

Hills Beaver Creek and Hills Christian Schools running 2 hours late tomorrow March 5. Buses on passable roads only.

Monday, March 11 at 6 pm is the H-BC Winter Athletic Sports Banquet in the High School Commons. Free will donation Meal served. .

H-BC has a special Education Opening. For more information, please use this link--https://5il.co/6s65

Paraprofessional Recognition Week! We appreciate our Paraprofessionals: Dalton Bass, Madison Bock, Shari Doerr, Lisa Durst, Sarah Engelkes, Brianna Leuthold, Mardi Leuthold, Lexi Moore, Sherry Paulsen, Mavis Schmidt, Amy Spykerboer, Ashley Syndergaard, Beth Westerbur