Thank you to everyone who came out to wave and support our fun parade! It was so good to see so many faces - even in the rain!!
04/23/2020-I am hopeful this message finds you well! Reminder that the next H-BC Distance Learning Packet Pickup/Delivery is set for tomorrow, 4/24. H-BC Regular Board of Education Meeting Link for 7 pm, Monday, 4/27. This is an electronic remote meeting.
MN Gov. Walz just announced that the School Year will continue with Distance Learning through the end of May 2020. As of now, the HBC District will have Distance Learning through April 30, No Distance Learning 5/1 and 5/4 for planning. Distance Learning will continue on 5/5.
School Parade! We miss your faces! School staff will be driving through our communities on Friday, April 24th! We will start in Steen at 4:45, Beaver Creek (~5:05), and ending in Hills at 5:20.
We hope you will join in the fun, following social distance guidelines!
Thank you to the H-BC District Administrative Professionals. H-BC has the best! Administrative Professionals Day--Brenda Plimpton, Starla Scholten, and Karin Gaugler
H-BC District Items for sale! Deadline for Quotes-- Friday, May 11, 2020. Here is a link to see the items:
Patriot Printing
04/16/2020--Greetings! Reminder that the next H-BC Distance Learning Packet Pickup and Delivery is set for tomorrow, Friday, April 17. 7 am-4 pm. Same locations. Thank you for all of your efforts!
H-BC Ag Instructor & FFA Advisor opening:
Find posting at this link:
Our wonderful social worker, Mrs. Ceynowa-Breuer, has put together some resources for Distance Learning. Check it out:
04/09/2020--Greetings! I am hopeful this message finds you well! Reminder that the next H-BC Distance Learning Packet Pickup and Delivery is set for Friday, April 17. I wish everyone a great break time. School is back in session Tuesday, April 14. Be well!
H-BC Regularly Scheduled Board of Education Meeting Link for 7 pm, Monday, April 13. This is an electronic remote meeting. No individuals will be located at District location.
H-BC 4th Grader, Lily Top, is the 2020 Sioux Valley Billboard Contest Winner! Be on the lookout for Lily's drawing posted on a billboard near you. Way to go Lily!
To recognize our 2020 seniors, we will be turning on the football field lights tonight, April 8th, for 20 minutes starting at 8:20 PM. Feel free to cruise by in your vehicles and give a friendly wave to your friends (from a distance of course!)
It's the 4th quarter! The home stretch for our fabulous seniors! Each week I will highlight a few seniors in a "Senior Salute" found under the "NEWS" area where the weekly bulletin is usually found. The first will be shared today!
HBC Families! Reminder that H-BC School item pickup and drop off is tomorrow Friday, April 3 from 7am-4 pm. Hills/Steen address pickup/drop in Hills @ Secondary School. All other addresses P/Up Drop at Elementary School in Beaver Creek. Names and grade on returned items please
Mrs. Ceynowa-Breuer has updated information in the "Social Worker Information" tab under Documents. The PDF shares her contact information, resources for students and families, including a referral form.
HBC distance-learning begins Monday, March 30 and continues through April 30. Meals continue to be served during this time also. Here is a link if you have not signed up already for meals
PBIS month end winners!!
Oliver Deelstra - Scheels
Mackenzie Voss - Scheels
Samantha Moser - medium pizza Hidden Hills Cafe
Grace Anderson - Medium pizza Hidden Hills Cafe
Thank you to Keith and Annette Elbers with Elbers Auction Service for donating the medium pizza and pop! Congratulations winners!! Prizes will be available for pick up during the meal handout times next week.
Chris Harnack is just about done as our fearless Buildings/Grounds/Transportation leader! We had a social distance appropriate going away party for him today! We WILL miss you!