One year ago today, we lost our friend, classmate, teammate, son and brother. But you live on through us and Team Ethan is stronger than ever. We miss you, Ethan. #TeamEthan #Patriotstrong #Missyou #HBC
over 4 years ago, Andrew Kellenberger
Team Ethan
H-BC School Family--Here is a changed H-BC District School Calendar. Now January 18 is a school day and January 25 a non school day. See the H-BC District Calendar here
over 4 years ago, Todd Holthaus
School Calendar
What an AMAZING week at HBC! Great job student-athletes. Our community is so happy to see you all compete. Way to be a Patriot! #PatriotPride
over 4 years ago, Andrew Kellenberger
HBC Varsity Football vs Sleepy Eye St Mary’s link for tonight’s game. Go Patriots.
over 4 years ago, Todd Holthaus
Hills-Beaver Creek is blessed to have great principals at both buildings! Todd Holthaus at the elementary and Andrew Kellenberger at the secondary! Thanks for all your har work in helping make HBC great! Happy Principal's Week!
over 4 years ago, Scott Harnack
Thanks Deb Hartz for being an awesome custodian!!!
over 4 years ago, Scott Harnack
Good Day! Here is the meeting notice link for the Regular H-BC Board of Education meeting set for Monday, October 12, 2020. Agenda is here:
over 4 years ago, Todd Holthaus
Board Meeting
Apologies, I have been informed that the H-BC Flu Shot Clinic scheduled for tomorrow October 8 has been POSTPONED. We will keep you posted as to when the Flu Clinic will occur. Postponement is related to the availability of flu vaccine.
over 4 years ago, Todd Holthaus
Flu Shot update
Today, Wednesday, October 7 is a 12:30 Secondary School and 12:45 Elementary School Dismissal Day. Also, remember that tomorrow, Thursday, October 8th is the H-BC Flu Clinic. Hope your day is great!
over 4 years ago, Todd Holthaus
Early Dismissal
Make sure to wish H-BC Secondary Principal, Mr. Kellenberger a great Principal Week! We celebrate him this week! Thank you for all you do for H-BC Secondary staff and students! Principal week October 5-11.
over 4 years ago, Todd Holthaus
Sub sandwich pickup will be Saturday, October 3, from 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. at the high school! If you ordered from the junior parents please pick them up at this time.
over 4 years ago, Scott Harnack
Today is National Custodial Worker's Recognition Day and H-BC Elementary is lucky to have two of the BEST, LISA DURST AND JASONN RAUK!! These two deal with the ups and downs and messes of working for customers whose ages range from 3 to 12. And the bonus for our school –they do it with a smile (trust me, Jake is always smiling) and with a VERY positive attitude. They are the labor force that made our school COVID ready, they deserve a special day EVERY month. THANKS JAKE AND LISA FOR ALL THAT YOU DO!!!!
over 4 years ago, Lexi Moore
Lisa and Jake
national day
Congratulations! Mrs. Wysong wants to welcome this year's virtual Math Counts Competitors. Their first practice is Tuesday at 7:45.
over 4 years ago, Lexi Moore
Math Team
Pick up for the Jr. class Sub Sandwich orders is this Saturday (10/3) from 9:30-10:30 AM at the Jr/Sr High School in Hills. If you are unable to pick up at that time, please make arrangements as needed. See you on Saturday! ~Jr. Class Parents
over 4 years ago, Andrew Kellenberger
HBC Football Players & Families (10th-12th Grade), Purchase your Varsity Away Game Passes for the season at the Secondary School Office. $18 for 3 games! 12th Grade Players can purchase 4 passes; 10th-11th Grade Players can purchase 3 passes. First Away Game:10/9 (Sleepy Eye)
over 4 years ago, Andrew Kellenberger
Football Away Game Pass
Secondary Fall Conferences - Thursday, Oct. 8th (Zoom or Phone Call) Students and Parents, Please click below to sign-up for Fall Secondary (6th-12th Grade) Conferences which will be held via Zoom or Phone Call.
over 4 years ago, Andrew Kellenberger
Fall Conferences
H-BC Schools has a Special Needs Paraprofessional Opening: Here are the details: Please help spread the word!
over 4 years ago, Todd Holthaus
Good Day! Here is the meeting notice link for the Regular H-BC Board of Education meeting set for Monday, September 28, 2020. Agenda is here:
over 4 years ago, Todd Holthaus
Board Meeting
So proud of our HBC Student Athletes! They have been preparing for their fall sport for the past 6 months and are ready to play. At HBC, we support our student athletes and believe they can play and be safe. Way to go Seniors! #Letusplay #MSHSL
over 4 years ago, Andrew Kellenberger
Great way to support our students, school and activities by buying some Sub Sandwiches for the fall. Thank you Jr. Parents! Please see flyer for information about buying some Sub Sandwiches! Please like or retweet. Go Patriots!
over 4 years ago, Andrew Kellenberger
Sub Sandwiches