Today, January 21, 2022 is a planned early dismissal at H-BC Schools. 12:30 at the Secondary and 12:45 at the Elementary School. Remember no school for students on Monday, January 24, 2022! Hope your day is great!
about 3 years ago, Todd Holthaus
Early Dismissal
Little Patriot Basketball Night tonight at the HBC Boys vs SWC game! Our 6th grade boys basketball team was introduced before the game and provided some halftime entertainment with a scrimmage! Tomorrow, Friday (1/21) we celebrate our 2nd/3rd/4th grade girls! See you at 6PM Let's Go! #HBCBasketball
about 3 years ago, Andrew Kellenberger
Good day! H-BC Board of Education Regular Meeting 7:00 PM, Monday, January 24, 2022. Here is the link to the agenda:
about 3 years ago, Todd Holthaus
Board Meeting
Way to go HBC Mock Trial Team on their WIN vs. St. Peter on Wed! Congrats Mock Trial Outstanding participant winners from Rd. 1-Attorney Joy Taubert & Witness Tahliya Kruger. Outstanding participant winners from Rd. 2-Attorney Lexi Drake & Witness Tyrae Goodface. #HBC MockTrial
about 3 years ago, Andrew Kellenberger
Can you make a mean chili? Let’s see if the community agrees! Sign up for FFA chili cook off by January 20th! In addition to the chili cook off, we will also be holding a silent auction! All proceeds will stay within the chapter- helping students go to State Convention in April, as well as going to the National FFA Convention and Expo in Indianapolis next fall. We hope to see you at HBC on Feb 4 to support FFA, and our basketball athletes as they compete in a double header that evening! 🌶 🏀
about 3 years ago, Andrew Kellenberger
Congrats 12th Grade Personal Finance Class Investment Winners! Ethan's investment yielded a 9.4% return, Daniel's a 6.97% return, Tess's a 5.6% return and Danette's a 5.59% return. Each student "invested" $100k in Sept. and cashed out on Jan. 14th. The online investment platform "How the Market Works" uses the real stock market with faux $. Congratulations investors! #HBCLearning
about 3 years ago, Andrew Kellenberger
HBC Secondary spent time honoring Martin Luther King Jr. yesterday. Each teacher wrote their favorite MLK Jr. quote and discussed meaning to their classes, all students watched an engaging MLK Jr video with discussion during Patriot Prep/CollegeCareerReady class and some teachers/students shared about their experience at the MLK Jr. Memorial in Washington DC this past summer! Thank you Martin Luther King Jr! #HBCLearning
about 3 years ago, Andrew Kellenberger
HBC Girls Basketball Update - Good luck to our Lady Patriots on Sat., Jan. 15th at the Border Clash at 1 PM! Girls will be playing at Coleman, SD! If you can't make it, please support by watching LIVE Stream!
about 3 years ago, Andrew Kellenberger
Hills-Beaver Creek and Hills Christian Schools are closed tomorrow, Friday, January 14, 2022. H-BC Schools are having an E-Learning day. Information found here:
about 3 years ago, Todd Holthaus
What should I do after high school? HBC Secondary hosted Military Week this week. All 5 branches have/will come and speak to our 9th-12th grade student body about their respected branch and the opportunities service brings! College, Travel, Salary, Careers, Skills, Networking and of course Service. Thank you to all those who served our GREAT country! Marines will be here tomorrow! #CollegeandCareerReady #HBCLearning
about 3 years ago, Andrew Kellenberger
Agriculture 9 class took an educational field trip to Multi Rose Dairy in Rock Rapids to learn about the milking process and Jersey breed dairy cattle. Students were able to connect their classroom learning to caring, feeding, milking and the processing. Students then traveled to Wells to learn about ice cream production and of course enjoy a scoop or two of ice cream! #HBCLearning
about 3 years ago, Andrew Kellenberger
Good luck to both basketball teams tonight (1/13/22) as they travel to Fulda (Boys) and Edg. (Girls). Links Boy's - Girl's -
about 3 years ago, Andrew Kellenberger
HBC Boys Basketball Update (1/12/22) - Due to the impending weather for Fri., the Boys Basketball Game scheduled for Fri., Jan. 14 vs HLO-F (Away @ Fulda) has been MOVED to THURSDAY, JAN. 13. C Team starts at 5 PM followed by B/A Teams. Game still at Fulda. Please share/like.
about 3 years ago, Andrew Kellenberger
Girls Basketball Tonight vs West Lyon! B Game Starts At 6:00!
about 3 years ago, Scott Harnack
Dec. 22nd was ELF Day for the Jr. High Student Council. Students could donate money to hire a student council ELF to help with small tasks for the day such as carrying books to class, filling up H20 bottles or getting a lunch. These students had A LOT of fun and raised over $300 for the American Red Cross to go to tornado victims in Kentucky! Great 'elf'fort students! #HBCFun
about 3 years ago, Andrew Kellenberger
Good luck to our HBC Lady Patriot Basketball Team as they travel to SWC tonight, January 6th (away) at 7PM! If you can't make the game (BRRRR it's Cold), please support our girls by watching at this link! #HBCBasketball
about 3 years ago, Andrew Kellenberger
Good day! H-BC Board of Education Regular/Organizational Meeting is set for Monday, January 10, 2022 at 7 pm. Follow the link for the meeting details.
about 3 years ago, Todd Holthaus
Board Meeting
HBC 11th Grade Chemistry Students had a "Golden Penny Lab" to learn about the various types of bonds in Mr. Wolgen's Chemistry Class. Students saw metallic bonding when the zinc coated penny turned to brass with some heating, cooling, ionic bonding and of course... reactions.
about 3 years ago, Andrew Kellenberger
Great work HBC Jr. High Knowledge Bowl Team who advanced and participated in the Super Regionals for Knowledge Bowl at SMSU on January 4th! Way to go Jackson, Jack, Michael, Harli and Gracie! Way to represent HBC! #HBCKnowledgebowl
about 3 years ago, Andrew Kellenberger
Girls Hoops Tonight vs HLOF! Come out and support them!!
about 3 years ago, Scott Harnack