Congrats to Abby Olson for being named our Art Student of the Week! She was recognized for her work on the 5th grade sugar skull project.
📣Calling all young men!! We need more male representation in order to fill our cast roles for the H-BC Musical! Sign up now for your audition time!
The FFA Meeting scheduled for November 13 has been postponed.
H-BC Fall Sports Banquet 6 pm on Tuesday, November 13 in the Jr./Sr. High Commons. Free will Donation Meal.
Long lines for voting on Election Day at H-BC elementary. Stay tuned for election results tomorrow!
Auditions for the H-BC production of High School Musical Jr. will take place on Saturday and Sunday this weekend from 2-5pm both days. Click this link to claim your audition time.
If you can not make it to an audition time Saturday and Sunday, you should see Mrs. Lafrentz before school or during 1st lunch so she may video record your audition for the judges to see. Bring your completed pink audition form. Break a leg!
Please consider helping the Hills-Beaver Creek Junior Class raise money for Prom! This is a link to our current fundraising campaign - sales of magazines and gift items. Thank you for your support!
Contact Teri Richards, junior class advisor, with any questions.
Thanks to Siouxland Heritage Museums for bringing the star lab to Beaver Creek today. Thanks also to our PTO for funding the learning opportunity.
Update on leaf raking. If it is raining Saturday, November 3, the FFA will postpone raking leaves until Saturday, November 10. Contact Tom Sandager at 962-3240 ext. 33 if you would like their service.
The HBC FFA will be raking leaves in the community on Saturday, November 3. If you want your leaves raked contact Tom Sandager at 962-3240 ext. 33 by 3:00 pm today.
H-BC elementary students. Send us you Halloween pictures for the H-BC news costume contest! Email to Mr. Phelps.
Big Buddy’s met today in honor of Halloween. Our 5th grade students met with kindergartners to do a little reading.
Here is a link to the sign up genius for musical auditions.
Please watch this tutorial video explaining how to fill in the applications. Each student that wants to be involved in the musical in any way must fill out a form- whether that is for the tech crew or to be a performer. Come prepared for your audition. Break a leg, performing Patriots!
HBC 39 EE 22 Final
HBC 16 EE 14 Halftime
Patriot football today!
Elementary students had a fun afternoon at the fall festival. Thanks to all the volunteers that donated time or prizes for the event!
Volleyball Playoffs tonight in Windom!
On Monday, November 12, Hills-Beaver Creek will be hosting a Veterans Day program at 9:30am in the high school gymnasium in Hills. The community is welcome and encouraged to attend!