H-BC Elementary School Families:
Another week of in-person learning for our students. Fantastic! Your assistance in making this a reality is greatly appreciated! Let’s keep up the good work. Hopefully, we will be able to continue with our in-person model. If our model changes, we will try to be out front giving as much planning time as possible.
Make sure to send your child to school each day with a mask. If you need assistance with more masks, please call Mrs. Plimpton at 507-673-2541 x10. Mrs. Plimpton will assist.
H-BC Elementary School Early Dismissal: Wednesday, November 18 is a planned 12:45 dismissal at H-BC Elementary School. Wednesday, November 25 is another 12:45 dismissal.
HBC PTO Apparel Link---http://www.mybstarkstore.com/hbc/
Menu Change-- Menu--Monday, November 16 Taco Wedges, Mandarin oranges and corn. Menu--Tuesday, November 17 Chicken Fries, Frozen Peaches, Mashed Potatoes and gravy.
BUS CHANGES - Parents & Daycare Providers, please make sure you are calling the Bus Hotline with any bussing changes 507-220-2035.
American Education Week November 16-20:
Monday, November 16: 8:30 am Liftoff with Students at school--Kickoff Day—Recognition at Elementary School of Am Ed Week
Tuesday, November 17: —Students dress in BLUE/Blue Ribbon T-shirts in recognition of last year’s Blue Ribbon School Award (P/T Conferences Elementary Scheduled)
Wednesday, November 18: —Teacher Dress UP Day for Students--Students write and give thank you notes to an H-BC Staff Person of their choosing
Thursday, November 19: Donut Day--Students will be given a donut to enjoy!!
Friday, November 20: Grandparents/Special Persons Day-- Students write letters to Grandparent/Special Person (no in person or lunch this day)
P/T Conferences: Tuesday, November 17. Conferences are pre scheduled. If you do not have a conference time, please contact your child’s teacher. Parents have a choice of either in person or virtual/online/phone conference
Click on the graphic to enter bookfair.
Looking ahead--
Early Dismissal on Wednesday, November 25
No School on November 26 and November 27
Please reach out to me if you have any needs. Phone- 507-673-2541 or email t.holthaus@isd671.net
See following information from H-BC Jr. Parents: