H-BC Secondary Families:
A very busy week at HBC! A few highlights from the week!
You Matter Retreat this Past Week
On Wednesday, February 19th, the Humanity Launch traveled to HBC Secondary to remind each student that "You Matter." In the morning they worked with our student council student leaders, teaching them how to be good communicators, finding their joy, and reaching their full potential. A message of "you're not special" - which really means they need to realize that other people are going through things similar to them, so don't ever be afraid to reach out or feel alone in your struggle was another important part of the day. They talked about how we spend so much time worrying what other people are saying about us - but in reality, we are not on other people's mind nearly as much as we worry that we are.
In the afternoon, Gregg and Kim, along with over 20 leaders from our junior and senior classes worked with the middle schoolers on similar topics. Both groups also performed an amazing dance numbers and of course, had a lot of fun!
National Blue Ribbon Series - Alumni Talks - Dr. John Berdahl - LINK below!
Thank you, Dr. John Berdahl, for sharing your experiences, wisdom and insights at our National Blue Ribbon Series - Alumni Talks! Dr. Berdahl was a '95 HBC graduate who shared his experiences of high school, college, teaching & coaching at HBC, medical school, residency and eventually becoming a world renown eye surgeon and researcher. Your words truly inspired our students, staff, and community. We appreciate your time and dedication and showing our students... You Can Go Anywhere from Here! Please click link below if you could not make the Alumni Talks. #BlueRibbonSeries #AlumniTalks #Patriotpride
Winter Band Concert
A HUGE shoutout to our talented HBC bands(5th Grade; 6/7th Grade; 8th-12th Grade) for an incredible performance at the 2025 Winter Band Concert last night! Your hard work, dedication, and passion for music truly shined! Thank you to our director - Ms. Comp & our student-musicians for making this event a success. We are so proud of you! #HBCBands #WinterConcert2025 #MusicExcellence #Patriotpride
Congratulations to Penni Moore - MBDA 2025 State Honor Band
Congratulations to our 7th Grade student - Penni Moore! Penni was selected to be a member of the Minnesota Band Directors Association (MBDA) 2025 State Honor Band. She was selected from 315 students from 87 schools who auditioned for membership. Penni will be participating in the Honor Band on Saturday and Sunday, April 12 & 13, 2025 at Owatonna High School. Well done Penni! HBC is very proud of your accomplishment!
Tuesday, February 25, 2025 - First Day of Driver’s Education
Thursday, February 27, 2025 - Pre-ACT (Juniors)
Sunday, March 9, 2025 - Daylight Savings Time (Spring Ahead)
Thursday, March 27, 2025 - NBRS Alumni Talks - Marla Meyer (Class of 88)
Monday, April 7, 2025 - Band/Choir Ensemble in Fulda (afternoon - all day)
Tuesday, April 8, 2025 - ACT for Juniors
Thursday, April 10, 2025 - MS Solo/Ensemble at HBC (Ms. Comp)
Wednesday & Thursday, April 23/24 - MCA Reading
Friday, April 25, 2025 - Early Release
Friday, April 25, 2025 - HBC Prom 7 PM
February is I Love to Read Month
Please continue to encourage you student to be a READER at school and at home! February is I Love to Read Month! Students “Caught” reading will be winning prizes and eating donuts!
February is Black History Month
Please take a moment to learn about many of the heroes from our past! Black History Month LINK
Black American Biographies from Students in 6th Grade.
ACT 2025 Information for Juniors
During the upcoming months, all juniors will be preparing for the ACT by completing the OntoCollege ACT Prep Course during ELA, Science & Math classes.
Here are some IMPORTANT DATES for your planning purposes. Both Pre-ACT & ACT are offered at HBC Secondary.
Pre-ACT - Thursday, February 27, 2025 (8:00 - 12:30ish)
ACT - Tuesday, April 8, 2025 (8:00 - 12:30 PM)
If you have any questions, please email Ms. Kooima - j.kooima@isd671.net
Note: The ACT is Optional! Students are NOT required to take the ACT.
Go Patriots! Good luck Juniors!
Spring Assessments Coming Soon (New)
Spring Testing is an important time to check progress for our students. As we get closer to April, we will enter the Spring Assessment season. Please click this LINK to see our HBC Assessment Calendar. This will give you an idea when each assessment is scheduled for ACTs, MCAs and NWEAs.
Information for Families Regarding MCA III Assessments: (New)
MCA Statewide Assessments Dear Families,
The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) requires that statewide assessments are annually administered in reading, mathematics, and science. They are designed to provide the state, districts, and schools with a snapshot of student learning of the Minnesota K-12 Academic Standards.
When will HBC Students take the MCA Tests? What Grades will take the MCA Tests?
MCA Reading - (3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 10th) - Wednesday, April 23rd and Thursday April 27, 2025
MCA Math - (3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 11th) - Tuesday, April 29th and Wednesday, April 30th
MCA Science - (5th, 8th and 10th) - Tuesday, May 6th
What are the MCA Tests? The Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCA) and Minnesota Test of Academic Skills (MTAS) are reading, mathematics, and science standards-based assessments that measure student learning of the Minnesota Academic Standards. These assessments are used to meet federal and state legislative requirements. Most students take the MCA, but students who receive special education services and meet the MTAS eligibility requirements may take the MTAS instead.
Why do we give these assessments? MCA results provide valuable information for the school, district and MDE about how well students have learned concepts and skills from the academic standards. Educators and schools can use the results to plan instruction and evaluate their curriculum. Families can also use the results as one way to measure how students are doing on the content that is part of their daily instruction. School- and district-level test results are used in federal and state accountability measurements.
How are the MCA administered? The MCAs must be taken in person, even if your student is enrolled in an online program. For students temporarily learning online, they will take statewide assessments when they return to school. Your school can provide more specific information about the health and safety measures they are taking to ensure students and staff stay safe and healthy during test administration. Most students take the MCA online, but some eligible students take the assessment in a paper test book instead. For the MTAS, teachers work with each student individually using paper test materials.
Driver’s Education Starting Tuesday, February 25th (New)
Students who are 14 or older before February 25th,
The Driver’s Education Course will be starting on Tuesday, February 25th. The class will mostly be held after school for a duration of three weeks ending mid March. The class is a total of 30 hours of coursework. The cost of the course is $380.00 and will be due before you attend the first class (payable to HBC Schools). A letter was sent home for those who are signed-up on the interest form in the school office. IMPORTANT: Students MUST be 14 years of age to start the course unless a resident of South Dakota.
Here are the dates:
Tuesday, February 25 - 3:30-6:00 PM
Wednesday, February 26 - 3:30-6:00 PM
Thursday, February 27 - 3:30-6:00 PM
Friday, February 28 - 3:30-6:00 PM
Monday, March 3 - 3:30-6:00 PM
Tuesday, March 4 - 3:30-6:00 PM
Wednesday, March 5 - 3:30-6:00 PM
Thursday, March 6 - 3:30-6:00 PM
Friday, March 7 - 3:30-6:00 PM
Monday, March 10 - 3:30-6:00 PM
Tuesday, March 11 - 3:30-6:00 PM **** Parent Class from 6-7 PM
Wednesday, March 12 - 3:30-6:00 PM - LAST DAY OF CLASS
Thursday, March 13 - 3:30-6:00 PM - Possible Make-up Days if needed
Friday, March 14 - 3:30-6:00 PM- Possible Make-up Days if needed
NEXT NBRS Alumni Talks - Community Welcome - National Blue Ribbon Series - Alumni Talks 2025 - Guest Speaker - Marla Meyer - Class of 1988 - Current CEO of Girls Scouts Dakota Horizons
Did you know that HBC Secondary was awarded the 2024 National Blue Ribbon School Award? As a celebration of our school, we are going to be inviting past HBC Alumni to talk to our HBC Secondary student body & community. Join us as Marla Meyer goes down memory lane and discusses the impact HBC, the HBC community and HBC teachers have had on his life journey. Please mark your calendars - Thursday, March 27, 2025 at 11 AM. March Alumni Talks - Marla Meyer from Class of ‘88.
Homework Club Started
Starting the week of January 6, 2025, students who need more support with having a quiet space to complete homework may be assigned to Homework Club. Homework Club is after school on Wednesday and Thursday from 3:20 - 3:45 and is supervised by a teacher. This quiet space will allow students who may need support to complete an assignment. Ms. Kooima, school counselor, will communicate with student/families about staying after school on Wednesday and/or Thursday. HW Club is for students who...
Need extra time to complete work
Have a tendency not to do work at home
Continue to stay on the DL because they have not made a plan/followed through with a plan to get off the DL
Weather/School Postponement/Early Dismissal/Cancellation Items: As we begin our winter weather season, the district will once again be utilizing the JMC student information system to notify individuals of school related weather postponements, early dismissals, e-learning days and school cancellations. Individuals that want/need to be notified will be communicated with one or more of the following methods: phone call, email or text message from the district informing them of any school related announcement.
If you miss a call from the school, we ask that you not call the school directly. First check your voicemail, because a message will most likely have been left sharing the information you missed. Please make sure all contact information is up to date in the JMC database. Individuals are able to login via the hbcpatriots.com website to make sure contact information is up to date, send an email or call either school’s office to assist.
E-LEARNING: The Hills-Beaver Creek School District may conduct up to five (5) E-learning days when school can not be in session for reasons such as inclement weather. Please see the following E-learning Procedure link for more information: LINK to 24-25 E-Learning Day
E-Learning Reminder - Students NEED to complete E-Learning Assignments. Students who do NOT participate or complete these assignments will be marked UNEXCUSED absence.
World Classroom 2026 NYC - Current 9th and 10th Graders
Dear Parents and Students,
If you missed last night's informational meeting for the New York City school trip for the Summer of 2026, it's not too late!
We have a great group of 26 students and parents already enrolled!
The $500 Early-Bird Scholarship pricing has been re-opened for a limited time.
Enroll today: Here is LINK for late registration. https://portal.worldclassrooms.com/signup/HillsMNNYC26
Don't miss out!
Mr. Andrew Kellenberger and Mrs. Heather Erickson
SUNDAY OPEN GYMS: Families may enjoy open gym time during the winter months at the following times:
H-BC Elementary Gym in Beaver Creek will be open 1:00-2:30 pm starting December 1.
(excluding holiday weekends) K-6 Grade Students, accompanied by a parent, are welcome.
Hugo Goehle Gym in Hills will be open 1:00-3:00 pm. All ages are welcome.
We Need Your Help
If you haven’t done so already, please take a few minutes to fill out the educational benefits--free and reduced price lunch application! Although breakfast and lunch are free for all of our students, the district receives funding for all those that qualify for these benefits. The application process and all the information is confidential to the utmost degree! So, please take a couple of minutes and fill out the application! So very much appreciated! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Mrs. Plimpton or Ms. Scholten for assistance! This helps make H-BC stronger!
WE NEED YOUR HELP: Within our JMC Student Registration Process there is the Application for Educational Benefits section. Even though meals in the State of Minnesota are free, having parents complete this application can provide other benefits for our district and your child.
If you have not completed this application, please take a moment and do so at this time. https://hbc.onlinejmc.com/, click on the family icon, login, Register for 24-25 on the left, and at the very bottom Application for Educational Benefits.
Deficiency List for Quarter 3 has Started
As we emphasize the importance of academics and being well-rounded students, athletes and participants of co-curricular activities, please be reminded that we began our deficiency lists for Quarter 3.
The Deficiency List / Academic Eligibility is located in Section 9 of the Secondary Student Handbook.
This slide explains the different levels of deficiencies. Parents and students will receive an emailed letter notifying them if their student is on the deficiency list. Please continue to support your student who may be struggling with completing school work.
The picture below shows the different levels of the Deficiency List.
Look at Student(s)’ Grades, Progress, Attendance, Lunch Bill, ETC on JMC App - Smart Phone
Varsity Basketball Schedules on HBC App & Website
For the most updated information about sporting events, please download the HBC App or the HBC School Website
AM BUS CHANGES--For morning bus changes please call or text the bus line--make sure to identify your student and the bus number they are riding: 507-962-3240 Ext. 4.
SECOND ENTREE PURCHASE: Students in grades K-5 may purchase a second entree with their meal. The entree is $2.75. If choosing a second entree, students may pay cash or the family lunch account will be charged. Students MUST write name on the Cafeteria Sheet if they want a second entree.
Please reach out to me if you have any needs. Phone- 507-962-3240 or email a.kellenberger@isd671.net