Friday, November 22, 2019
What a week! I do believe H-BC Elementary Celebrated American Education Week in grand Fashion! Thank you! The week of November 27th is a short week with an early 12:45 dismissal on 11/27 and no school on Thursday (Thanksgiving), November 28th and Friday, November 29th.
See the information on ROCK County SHARE Program for those in need. If you need or someone you know is in need this time of year. The Rock County SHARE Program is here for you. SHARE Deadline to place application for receiving items is November 27. See all the details here....
HAT DAY: Wednesday, November 27th is HAT DAY at H-BC Elementary School. Students may come to school and wear a hat for a $1. The dollar will be donated to Rock County SHARE.
K-5 Music Concert: Come out and Support the K-5 Students performing their first vocal music concert of the year, 7 pm on Monday, December 2 @ H-BC Elementary School.
Grades 3 and 4 Students: Third and Fourth Graders will be heading to Sioux Falls, Monday, November 25th to view the South Dakota Symphony Orchestra Young People’s Concert.
Blue Ribbon School- Thanks to all that came out last night to celebrate the H-BC Elementary Blue Ribbon Award. We have a great community that supports our school! Thank you all! Below is a picture of Tank the Drone—Photography by Mark took a Drone Picture of the H-BC Elementary Students this morning---Drone pic above.
Blue Ribbon School Video Link
Here is a link to the H-BC Elementary Blue Ribbon School Video.
Grandparents/Special Persons Day—Thank you to all the Grandparents and Special People that came to brighten up our Elementary Students Day today. Also, thank you to Security Savings Bank for sponsoring the Grandparent/Special Person Meal and Cookies with Kids. Community Strong!
Bullying Reporting Form-- Here is the link for reporting bullying.
Other Items:
· Early Dismissal 12:45 on Wednesday, November 27.
· No School on Thursday, November 28 and Friday, November 29
· Happy Thanksgiving!
Mr. Holthaus
HBC Elementary Principal
507-673-2541 ext 11