March 1, 2024
H-BC Elementary Families:
The March newsletter is online and ready for viewing. Check out the great events from last month and see what is happening in the week ahead. Read the newsletter here.
SPELLING BEE FINALISTS: Congratulations to the following 5th grade Spelling Bee Finalists: Henry Selle, Garpan Martens, Addison Sammons, Charlie Wilsey, Addison Sammons and Adriana Junge.
They will be competing at the High School (date tbd) against H-BC 6th grade students, to determine who will move on to the Spelling Bee in Luverne on April 6th.
GRADES 2-5 SWIMMING LESSONS: Students in grades 2-5 begin lessons on Tuesday, March 5. Students will have 9 lessons from March 5 to March 15. Be sure to send a clean swimsuit & towel in a plastic bag each day.
I LOVE TO READ MONTH: I Love to Read Month was a hit! Today, we recognized Dr. Seuss Day, by wearing black, white and red.
2024-25 LITTLE PATRIOT ACADEMY ENROLLMENT: The enrollment link for LPA is now open. LPA 2024-25 Enrollment. Sign-up today!
KINDERGARTEN ROUND-UP: Kindergarten Round Up is Friday, March 22. Parents attend from 8:15am-9:15am and Round-Up Students attend school for the day - 8:15am-3:30pm. Information will be sent out to all interested. Children who will be five on or before August 31, 2024, are invited. Please call H-BC Elementary for more information.
NO SCHOOL FOR KINDERGARTEN: Due to the Kindergarten Round-Up, our current kindergarten students will NOT have class on March 22.
SPRING ASSESSMENTS COMING SOON: Spring Testing is an important time to check progress for our students. As we get closer to April, we will enter the Spring Assessment season. Please click this LINK to see our HBC Assessment Calendar. This will give you an idea when each assessment is scheduled for ACTs, MCAs and NWEAs.
EARLY CHILDHOOD FAMILY EDUCATION: Looking for a way to spend quality time with your child? Join us at the H-BC Elementary School for ECFE Class. Bring your 0-5 age children, 6:00 -7:30 pm. The upcoming dates are: March 12 & 26, Classes do not require advanced registration. Come once or twice, or make it part of your monthly schedule! Child Tax Credit Minnesotans can now claim the Child Tax Credit, with no limit on the number of children claimed. You must file a 2023 individual income tax return in order to claim the credit. Most taxpayers who are eligible to claim the new Child Tax Credit are also eligible for free tax preparation assistance. Learn more about income requirements and qualifications on the Child Tax Credit webpage.
The tax credit of up to $1750 per child is estimated to cut child poverty by up to one third in Minnesota. Nearly 300,000 households including 513,000 children are estimated to qualify for the credit.
Save Receipts for School Supplies The Minnesota Department of Revenue offers two valuable tax benefits for parents who purchase school supplies for their K-12 students: the K-12 Education Credit and Subtraction. These benefits can reduce parents’ taxes to increase their refund, but is only available for those who keep their receipts. Purchases for most school supplies, field trips, and musical instruments for school band are eligible.
Most Minnesota parents qualify for the K-12 subtraction, which reduces their taxable income. Parents under certain income limits may also qualify for the K-12 credit, which can refund up to 75% of their costs – even for parents who do not owe any taxes. Visit Revenue's website for details.
ENERGY ASSISTANCE: This program provides home heating cost and furnace repair assistance for income qualified customers in Pipestone, Murray, Rock, and Nobles counties. Check out the information here: Energy Assistance MEDICAL ASSISTANCE & MINNESOTA CARE: See the information here: regarding renewing Minnesota health care coverage.
March 5-15- Grades 2-5 Swimming Lessons
March 22- Kindergarten Roundup
March 22- NO School for current Kindergarten Students
March 22 - End of 3rd Quarter
March 23 - Begin 4th Quarter
March 28,29 & April 1 - No School
AM BUS CHANGES: For morning bus changes please call the HBC bus line--make sure to identify your student and the bus number they are riding: 507-962-3240
Please reach out to me if you have any needs. Phone- 507-673-2541 x1102 or