HBC Jr./Sr. High Bulletin 09-25-20 - Week #3

HBC Jr. High / Sr. High Bulletin - Week #3

September 25, 2020

H-BC Secondary Families:

Week #3 Complete!  Wow! It is hard to write that we will be entering the fourth week of school at H-BC.   There were some BIG WINS this week as we have a fall football and volleyball season to plan.  Our coaches, students and student-athletes are excited about the MSHSL’s decision to allow our students to play in the sport they love.  

Thank you HBC community for your support for our school and our student athletes!  We did it!

Please continue to remind your student to keep their mask on and over their nose and to socially distance.   As numbers go up in Rock County, we need to do what we can to STAY IN SCHOOL to learn and also STAY IN SCHOOL to participate in co-curricular activities. 

Here are some photos from Week #3.





Patriot Millworks designing outdoor classroom for HBC Secondary. 

Computer Publishing Class Picture Scavenger Hunt Photo Opportunity


Jr. High Sports are BACK!  Jr. High Football is at Hills and Jr. High Volleyball is at Beaver Creek.

Ag 11 Class plays a Kahoot to check their understanding of Aquaponics.  



Friday Advisory is for Academic Checks for ALL students!  Students check their grades and missing assignments and create goals for the upcoming week.  Be Goal-Oriented!

Staff the Week - Ms. Erickson with her Jr. High Math Class.  Well done, Ms. Erickson!





COVID-19 Update - Do you send Your Student to School or Not? (Repeat)

As the school year is in full swing across the state, we are noticing that there is confusion about when students or staff members should stay home from school and for how long. There is confusion between the distinctions of when individuals are sick and/or experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 and when they have been exposed to a confirmed case of COVID-19. We highly encourage everyone to review the COVID-19 decision tree exclusion guidance, as it’s called, which lays out a number of scenarios and appropriate steps for children, students and staff.

DO NOT FORGET TO SCREEN YOUR STUDENT REMINDER: (Repeat)  Make sure to screen your child everyday, prior to coming to school!  Here is the link for Screener.  Your assistance is greatly appreciated!

From the Nurse - Flu Clinic, Thursday, October 8th: (Repeat)


Flu Clinic is Thursday, October 8.  Please return the form below by October 1 if you want your child to receive the flu vaccine


The Flu Vaccine Clinic for all staff and students will be Thursday, October 8.  

Links: Flu Consent Form Link

Flu Vaccine Information Sheet Link

MASKS and SOCIAL DISTANCING (Repeat): Please continue to send your student with a CLEAN mask each day.  The masks should be worn over the mouth and nose.   This is extremely important for keeping everyone safe.  Please continue to remind your student to socially distance.  It is extremely important to keep our students in school.  We can only do this if everyone is doing their part.

Varsity Football and Volleyball Schedules: (New)

Please visit the HBC App on your smartphone or the Red Rock Conference website (link) to see the fall schedules for the fall sport season.   There will be games for Varsity, Junior Varsity and Jr. High football and volleyball.   There will be new restrictions as we follow MSHSL guidelines.   On Monday there will be a letter sent to all student-athlete families about the upcoming season.  Please pay the activity fee of $60 per sport or $180 per family.   

Seniors Adopt a Highway - Wednesday, September 30th (New)

Our seniors will be giving back to our community by cleaning up our ditches and our community on Wednesday, September 30th from 9:30 - 11:30 AM.  Seniors should dress appropriately, bring gloves and wear comfortable shoes.   Thank you seniors for keeping our community clean.

Seniors - Tuesday, October 6th - ACT at HBC Secondary

Our seniors will be participating in the ACT test on the morning of October 6th from 8:15 - 11:30 AM.  Please encourage your senior to do their best.  The senior advisory teachers, Mr. Wiertzema and Mr. Ellingson will have more information for preparing for the ACT. 

Early Release - Wednesday, October 7th (New)

A friendly reminder about the early release on Wednesday, October 7th.   The secondary will be released at 12:30 PM and the elementary will be released at 12:45 PM.  The staff will have professional development in the afternoon. 

October. 8th - Parent/Teacher Conferences Secondary (New) - Please mark your calendars for Parent/Teacher Conferences on Thursday, October 8th from 3:45 - 7:15 PM.  Conferences will look differently this year with no visitors allowed in our schools.  We will be sending a letter for parents to sign-up via ZOOM or a phone call.  Information will come soon about our Secondary Conferences sign-up.

FFA Corn Drive - Friday, October 9th (New)

Ms. Anderson, FFA Advisor and Ag Teacher, has been busy planning the FFA Corn Drive which will be on Friday, October 9th during the school day.   FFA Members who have passing grades (C or better) and no missing assignments will be invited to participate.   FFA members will be out in our school community collecting corn, monetary gifts and also providing our farmers with a FREE lunch.  All donations will be going to Game Plan 4 Hope and an area family who is in need.  If you would like to make a donation, please contact Ms. Anderson at c.anderson@isd671.net

Looking Ahead - Homecoming Week - October 19th - 23rd

Student council and administration will begin planning the Homecoming for the week of October 19th.  We will continue to follow MDH and MDE’s recommendations for keeping our students and staff safe which include masking and social distancing where necessary.   A friendly reminder to expect the homecoming to look a little different as try to keep traditions, have fun and also keep everyone safe.   Please stay tuned.


Jr. Parent After Prom Sub Sandwiches (Repeat):  Information about ordering sub sandwiches from the Jr. Parent After Prom Committee.

Please reach out to me if you have any needs.  

Andrew Kellenberger, Principal

Phone- 507-962-3240 or email a.kellenberger@isd671.net